Perusahaan berharap manfaat ‘penghematan lembur’ akan meningkatkan retensi karyawan di antara pekerja musimanMarch 6, 2025
Khawatir pembalasan dari Trump, Universitas Columbia menindak siswa yang kritis terhadap Israel: ‘Ini beroperasi sebagai bisnis dengan melindungi asetnya’March 6, 2025
China’s 5% growth goal may yet need stronger stimulusadminWe31WerMarch 6, 20250 Chinese President Xi Jinping stands to leave after the opening session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) at the Great…
If you can answer these 5 questions about your partner, your relationship is stronger than mostadminWe31WerFebruary 16, 20250 Most couples think they know each other well, but real intimacy is a lot more than just being able to…